But so far I've just gotten the starting 4, Torque (easily the best personality so far), and Zephyr (who is interesting for how she breaks the rules, but her attack coming after enemy Aggressive units get to do their thing has me wondering if she's worth it. Flamethrowers go right through 'em though, watch out for that. My only real issue is that Cherub is probably too good for what he does - those shields never go away until they get hit, so judicious placement means your whole squad can end up being invulnerable to physical damage all of the time. On the squaddies themselves, I don't think I'd want preset units like this in a proper XCOM3, but I am enjoying the personalities and abilities on display.
Hopefully that big tech list eventually coughs up more cool stuff, and the missions call on me to use it. It's all pretty exciting, and I'm still early. I do hope we can get more squaddies in the APC eventually (just add more chairs doy), but honestly the interleaved turns, Breach Phase stuff, objective variety, and weapon limitations have me using my guys in totally different ways. Overall first impressions on the changes from XCOM2, huge improvement across the board. That's just how chryssalids do, I suppose. I was feeling the pressure at a couple points, even on Normal. Trying to decide if I wanna jump back in or get some sleep and do more in the morning.